Matthew Lisondra

I am currently a Researcher of Robotics at the University of Toronto Robotics Institute.

My research focuses on Robot Perception, Robot Learning, Computer Vision, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Autonomous/Intelligent Systems Algorithms, High Framerate Processing Low-Power Unconventional Sensing, 3D Scene Representations and Spatial AI.

Research Affiliations

I am affiliated with the following research labs:

Email  /  Curriculum Vitae (CV)  /  Linkedin  /  Google Scholar  /  Research Gate  /  GitHub

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UofT Robotics Institute, University of Toronto PhD, Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering)

Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory (RCVL) MASc, Master’s of Applied Science (Mechanical Engineering)

Physics, University of Toronto HBSc, Honours Bachelor of Science (Physics and Computer Science)

  • Focus: Robotic Mechanics, Probability, TS-Analysis, Computational Physics
  • Research: Time Series Analysis on Global Temperature, Sea Level Pressure
  • Research: Helium-Neon Laser Analysis (Reviewed by Dr. A. Vutha)
  • Research: Percolation via Random Processes Monte Carlo, Porous Rock
  • Collaborated with: Dr. D. Jones of APCM Group

Please find below a list of my select publications/works (in progress and by importance of work):

Forthcoming Contributions:

  • TCB-VIO: Tightly-Coupled Focal-Plane Binary-Feature Visual Inertial Odometry (In Progress)
  • AnalogPedestrianNet: High Framerate Focal-Plane Sensor-Processor Pedestrian Tracking (In Progress)

Peer Reviewed Contributions:

secure [1] Focal-Plane Sensor-Processor-Based Visual Inertial Odometry
Matthew Lisondra*1,
(1University of Toronto)
Thesis, 2024
bibtex / PDF

Studied the usability and advantages of FPSPs to leverage a more accurate state estimation framework
Designed an algorithm for VIO using Focal-Plane Binary Features
Implemented the FPSP vision- IMU-fused estimation algorithm on a mobile device for offline and online real-world testing
Evaluate the performance, benchmarking against FPSP vision-alone and ground-truth data
Extensive study on the algorithmic execution timing/frame, accuracy, memory usage
and power consumption of the visual front-end processing performance on the FPSP

secure [2] Inverse k-visibility for RSSI-based Indoor Geometric Mapping (In Review)
Junseo Kim2, Matthew Lisondra1, Yeganeh Bahoo3, Sajad Saeedi3
(1University of Toronto, 2TU Delft, 3TMU)
IEEE Sensors Journal (ISJ), 2024
Special Issue on Machine Learning for Radio Frequency Sensing
(In Review)
bibtex / Project Webpage / PDF

Presents a novel technique capable of generating geometric maps from WiFi signals
A novel algorithm that is capable of generating geometric maps using WiFi signals received from multiple routers
Benchmarking the WiFi-generated maps with Lidar-generated maps by comparing the area,
number of data points, RSSI prediction True/False setting, RSSI accuracy percentage, IOU and MSE scores
Evaluation on real-world collected from indoor spaces

secure [3] Visual Inertial Odometry using Focal Plane Binary Features (BIT-VIO)
Matthew Lisondra*1, Junseo Kim*2, Riku Murai3, Koroush Zareinia4, Sajad Saeedi4
(1University of Toronto, 2TU Delft, 3Imperial College London, 4TMU)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024
bibtex / Project Webpage / PDF / Video

Designed the first 6-DOF Visual Inertial Odometry on FPSPs (BIT-VIO)
Efficient VIO operating and correcting by loosely-coupled sensor-fusion iEKF at 300 FPS
using predictions from IMU measurements obtained at 400 Hz
Uncertainty propagation for BIT-VO's pose as it is based on binary-edge-based descriptor extraction
Extensive real-world comparison against BIT-VO, with ground-truth obtained using a motion capture system

  • Reviewer (Journal) for ISJ 2025, IEEE Sensors Journal (ISJ) 2025
  • Reviewer (Journal) for RA-L 2024, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2024
  • Reviewer (Conference) for IROS 2024, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
  • Reviewer (Conference) for ICRA 2024, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024
  • Reviewer (Conference) for IEEE CCECE 2023, 2023 Canadian Conference On Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Reviewer (Conference) for IROS 2023, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

I am affiliated with several teaching institutions, teaching Physics (Advanced) and Computer Science. Select students I have taught:

  • Helen Li Hanfei
  • Linlin Liang Chulin
  • Nate Feng Botao
  • Raya Sun Xiaoru* (Multiple Scholarship Offers in Australia, England)
  • Willow Zheng Kehui
  • Alex Zhang
  • Angel Huang Anqi* (Now at Berkeley Music School)
  • Ben Zheng Yonhchun
  • Brian Luo Tian* (Full Scholarship Physics, University College London)
  • Bridget Yang Liu* (Now at King's College London)
  • Cindy Yang Xintong* (Now at Durham University)
  • Frank Chen
  • Guo Ye* (Now at University of Hong Kong)
  • Jack Wu Jianpu
  • Kevin Sheng, Chuwen (Multiple University Offers)
  • Lynn Lin Guanying
  • Natty Zhao Te* (Multiple University Offers in Business)
  • Nick Tian Boyue
  • Astrid Jiajun Pu
  • Destin Jiayi Qiu
  • Morson Yuhao Wang
  • Raylene Xinyue Zhang
  • Chun Zou
  • Yizhou Tang Caelon
  • Samantha Yumo Fan
  • Annie Ma
  • Aiden Xiuqi Xu
  • Kevin Bowen Chen
  • Freya Li Xin
  • Ando Li Yi Lan
  • Caelon Tang Yi
  • Fize Chen Yanh
  • Leo Li Juale
  • Marvin Wu Di
  • Raylene Zhang
  • Samantha Fan Yumo

Thesis Mentoring/Guidance: Junseo Kim (Now at TUDelft Robotics)

Autonomous Truck Navigation with Trailer Integration via Natural Language Processing (NLP)

More information as well as students taught can be found on my Curriculum Vitae (CV).


Rosor Exploration

  • Researcher - Robotics, Geoscientific UAVs and Drones
  • Working on Development of Rosor's Active Terrain Following (ATR) System
  • Currently: Now Led by H. A. Jafaar

Outside of Research, I do Filmmaking with Film Director Dinitha Vithanage. We just recently presented our Feature-Film.